Skoolbag App
The school uses the Skoolbag app, which delivers up to date school information, newsletters, notes and alerts instantly to your phone. Absentee forms and change of contact details can also be submitted through the Skoolbag app. See the image below for instructions on how to install the Skoolbag app.
The newsletter, Oatley West Lantern (OWL), is produced weekly and distributed every Monday. It is uploaded to the school website and the Skoolbag app. The newsletter will attempt to keep you informed of upcoming events, dates and school news.
Term Note
A term note for each child will be sent home each term with information regarding the term fees, incursions and excursions. At times it may be necessary to send supplementary notes home, however we aim to keep these to a minimum. Please check with your child regularly to see if they have any school notes to give to you.
Our school Facebook page is used to share good news stories about what is happening in classrooms and around the school, as well as for urgent information.
Tell Them From Me Survey
Each year, we seek feedback from our parent community through the online Tell Them From Me survey. Your survey responses are used to shape school programs, and are a vital part of school planning. The Tell Them From Me survey is a great opportunity to have a voice in the vision and directions of Oatley West Public School.
School Website
The School Website includes an upcoming events calendar, information about our school and links to our school newsletter. The calendar is updated regularly and is a useful reference for parents.
Please refer to the OWPS Communication Guidelines.
How To Install The Skoolbag App